Winter 2024 Sessions
Friday, January 26 | 12:00 - 12:20 PM - Using instructor talk to foster a positive learning environment and student learning success: Strategies and tips.
Curious to know how to promote positive learning and build community among students in your class? Join CTL Sparkshop to discuss strategies for using instructor talk to promote student engagement and learning.
Facilitator: Funmi Amobi, CTL Instructional Consultant and College Liaison
Friday, February 23 | 12:00 - 12:20 PM - "They need us to be well": Strategies for cultivating mutual joy in the learning environment to support student learning.
Wondering how to support student well-being and mental health in your teaching? Join CTL Sparkshop to discuss ideas for cultivating mutual joy and positive emotions in the learning environment to support learning.
Facilitator: Kara Clevinger, Assistant Director and Funmi Amobi, CTL Instructional Consultant and College Liaison
Sparkshop Anonymous Evaluation
Sparkshop Archived Video Recordings
Note: Sparkshop sessions are recorded and available on the CTL website the following Friday.