The CTL Fellows Program partners with colleges to be catalysts for positive change, elevating our teaching faculty and providing them pedagogical resources. Together, we have supported faculty and students through a pandemic, and now we are approaching timely topics such as generative AI in teaching and learning. We work with OSU colleges to address teaching faculty needs in college-specific ways. The program aims to spark excitement and success in teaching and learning by cultivating cultures of practice within colleges. It builds blended spaces for teaching faculty to learn, connect, and thrive. CTL Fellows often start with an overarching action plan and/or a college/academic unit needs assessment and then plan accordingly.
Program Benefits and Example Action Plan Activities
Over the past three years, the program activity has been nothing short of outstanding. The program provided 150+ college-specific workshops, over 775 1:1 consultations/referrals, and timely teaching newsletters and Canvas site materials reaching teaching faculty! It tackled topics such as assessment, student engagement, course design, inclusive teaching, DEI, peer teaching observations, generative AI, and more - providing just-in-time pedagogical support.
See highlights and impactful examples described by the 2023-24 CTL Fellows in their Showcase. They reached faculty through just-in-time events, such as organizing informal coffee hours and Lunch and Learn times for faculty to discuss issues and questions impacting them in their practice. They followed up with one-on-one consultations and responded to needs with workshops. They piloted a peer mentoring program, collaborated on strategic teaching and learning planning with college administration, worked on a college peer review of teaching process, and more!
Additional Information
View the program overview presentation and the program blog.
Partnerships: Program Partners, College Administrators, and College CTL Fellows
Program Partners: The CTL Fellows Program partners with OSU colleges and centralized units such as CTL, UIT-Academic Technologies, and Ecampus. CTL Fellows leverage the expertise and resources of the program partners.
College administrators: The CTL Fellows Program selects CTL Fellows in participating colleges and collaborates with a college administrator invested in supporting teaching and learning in their college/academic unit. The college administrator aids CTL Fellows in establishing communication channels in the college/academic unit to share resources with teaching faculty and by endorsing the CTL Fellows' action plans.
CTL Fellows: CTL Fellows work with the program Assistant Director and program partners to bridge centralized faculty development efforts and college teaching faculty needs, while increasing their educational leadership skills and delivering program initiatives that pave the way for teaching excellence within their colleges.
Summary of Activities:
Create, implement, evaluate action plan = based on teaching need in college/academic units.
Liaison between centralized partners (CTL, Academic Technologies, Ecampus) and college/academic unit. Share, bridge and repackage materials in college specific ways.
Program Initiatives = blended teaching & learning pedaogoy (including generative AI) + cultivating cultures of teaching and learning.
Professional Development goal.
See the CTL Fellows Position Description for full description.
An annual call for college leadership to partner with us and fund one or more CTL Fellows goes out every Spring. The CTL Fellows Assistant Director works with participating college administrators on a MOU that outlines the appointment length and details, and aids in the CTL Fellow selection process. Teaching faculty from OSU colleges apply to participate in the program with the support from their department/unit heads and College Associate Deans. Most appointments are 9 months, starting in Fall and renewable for one or more years.
Have a teaching project idea of teaching need?
Reach out today to the Program Assistant Director to explore partnering with us.
Follow us on the CTL Fellows Program Blog!